Nothing in the garden, per se. I cleared the deck and back patio, anticipating their demolition soon. After it's all done and the new patio is...
Nightbowl, do you prefer adult hens over baby chicks or pullets? I thought about it but have only started with babies.
Black bean chocolate cake is a big favorite in our house. I decided to modify it into a spice cake - replaced black beans with white, replaced...
I did a few things. This rose was given to me to revive. I don't know if that's possible. It had sentimental value to its owner, a big ruffled...
Today I also planted a row of shallots. I did what I used to do, bought small shallots at the grocery store and planted those. In the past,...
Old guy planting red flowered dogwood tree (me). [ATTACH] I think that planting a flowering tree, that "could" survive for generations, is an...
Sjoerd, your photo gave me dreams of Spring. Thanks for posting and it's a joy to look at it. :like:
Today I separated strawberry plants, in the first of four planters. They each contained 5 or 6 plants. I think three per planter would be...
Oreti I'm definitely leaning towards that.
Not sure this will work. I think you have to click on the link, then the play button. This video made me smile so much....
A camellia started to bloom. [ATTACH] We had moved it from the old house, about six years ago. That was a big set-back for the poor plant....
Today I did more work on the rose garden renovation. Mostly, I scooted around on my gardenstool / scooter / bench, using the new battery-operated...
I planted a few more seeds today. Not a lot, just so I can say I got some veggies from the garden, assuming they grow.[ATTACH]
Planted a few chill tolerant, early crop veggie seeds today. [ATTACH] Onion sets, planted early feb for scallions and bulb onions, emerging...
I think this combination will be the basis for my next quilt. It will take a while. [ATTACH] I have the stars (diamond shapes) all cut out....
I WAY - overdid it Saturday. Could barely move today! Sometimes I get carried away do foolish things. So mostly I sat around reading today....
Today I planted the rest of the onion sets. If they almost all grow, that would be about 100 of a vegetable that we use every day. I also pruned...
An Om day to garden. I think there will be rain, some time today. Maybe turnips, radishes, lettuce, Swiss Chard? More onion sets. too.
That's a lot of work, Sjoerd! I know, I've done a lot similar. Take care with the back and muscles.
That was what first set me off to get a different car. My Prius Prime was still in good running condition but the hidden costs repairs for things...
Separate names with a comma.