I am trying to figure out the relationship between 2 cardinals (males) in my yard and neighbourhood. Each time I have seen them over the last 3...
possible answer I just discovered Naturecalls.com and found recordings of all of the wrens listed one after the next. This bird had to have been...
This week-end we went to Fort Niagara to see the re-enactment of the French-Indian war (1759) and also saw more barn swallows than I've ever seen...
Bright and early this morning there was a new bird call right outside the kitchen door and when I looked it was a smallish bird that looked just...
Hi, Has anyone had experience with allergies to small rodents? My husband is allergic to mice (has trouble if we stay in a cabin that has a...
favorite veg That's a really tough question. Can we go month by month? June: that first salad picked fresh July: green beans hands down...
citrus tree Hello, I grew my own lime tree from seeds from a Florida lime tree in a pot in my home in Toronto (Canada) and did not have a...
Hello everyone, I'm starting to think of my garden already even though it's full of 2 feet of snow now. I live a few blocks away from Lake...
question about scooping I commend you on your dedicated flushing! I feel terrible each time I put dog waste in a bag and toss it. Can I ask you...
new garden advice Hi, I started a new garden last year after not having one for a few years. This time I was quite excited and really enjoyed...
Reading I'm working my way through Oprah's book list. I find almost every book a good read. Right now I'm reading Midwives. I'm only on page 4...
brussells sprouts in late august I wouldn't suggest planting brussells sprouts now (I too live in southwest Ontario). I put mine in as seedlings...
The Toronto area will gladly share it's rain! We have been pelted with 4 hail storms and non stop rain. The worst hit this afternoon and dumped...
dividing clematis Hello Petunia, I am interested to know if you have ever divided a clematis before. The stems that are above ground on this...
Hi, We think we are going to move our 5 year old clematis from one spot in the yard to a similar exposure spot but where there is a large gazebo...
photos of birds I once tried to videotape a mother wren bringing food to her babies. Spent a good 30 minutes sitting on our back step near the...
Birds and our loved ones I think that we do feel the presence of those passed on. Every once in a while when I am feeling really low or if...
Large spider...brave daughter! Let me just say that you have a brave daughter. I grew up with a brother who tormented me by coming into my room...
Callas over the years Hi, How many years have you been planting your bulbs? Here in Ontario (zone 5) I have to plant mine each spring and dig...
Hello, It's my first time growing zucchini and I am interested in knowing if all the flowers are intended to have vegetables from them. There...
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