Its been Awhile since i have visited the garden stew but today I needed some help and knew right where to go. I bought 4 blueberry bushes from...
Our canna seems be the favorite of the hummingbirds here, they also really go for the butterfly bush.
I found this bug all over my veg garden. the neighbor thinks its called it a stink bug, any ideas? [img]
The funny thing is i dont even like zucchini, except for bread. We grated it up for bread. I have given them away to people who like to stuff...
I just uploaded 6 myself and had no problems
I found this one hidding under leaves [img][/list]
Does any one know what this is. [img][/list]
My choise would be the clemis.
This is kinda funny, I found one in my new yard and moved it to a diffrent spot where it also about died. And I did move it from a part shade spot...
somebody has to paddle this thing
I would also pour rubbing alchol where they grew to kill any spores that may of dropped.
Why dont you come over and set up my yard just like yours, PLEASE. Looks great
Thats a great tool. I have a hard enough time spelling the common names let alone the latin. Heck I dont even think I could pronounce the latin...
Green june bugs that most be what they are. When I said a thousand, I think that might be an acurate number I never seen any thing like it. By...
Help there is really thousands of these beetles swarming my plants. Can I get rid of them some how we can't even go into our back yard.[img]
GardenStew is down for maintance!!!!!!
No i really dont have an idea yet I,m really new to the large scale gardening. I have started a small 10 X 15 area this year and right now it just...
I have Know idea what this flower is or even if its something common [img]
Heres One of the wife blooms today[img]
This is looking from the back of my house [img] This is looking from behind my veg garden.[img] This is where I want to put my secret garden...
Separate names with a comma.