Woke up this morning and it was really coming down, but only lated about 10 minutes. So all we got was a dusting. I was just looking out the back windows and there was a buck deer in the field behind me. Looked to be 8 points on his antlers. I think Santa has his spies out checking on me. Good thing I have been extra good this year!
You may not believe this but even areas of north Texas and west Texas had snow yesterday afternoon. From Abilene westward and a bit north they had 3" to 8" on the ground when it was over. Of course we got nothing, not even sprinkles. My mom in Ranger got a heavy dusting about mid-afternoon.
"Good thing I have been extra good this year!" Let's hope that Santa thinks so too CK and that you have a wonderful Christmas. It's well below freezing here and everything is covered in ice but no snow this winter so far.