Yep, that's the way it looks after the blooms have died and fallen off. It blooms in the early to late spring depending on where you live. Plant it in the ground, let the leaves die off naturally, the bulb will put out new growth next spring and have some really gorgeous blooms. It will come back for many years.
It has already bloomed, those are seed pods. But the plants will re-bloom and multiply for next year. If you live where they can be planted out doors. Put them in a sunny area and watch them grow.
LOL... this made me chuckle! You were expecting those to open and show some color? Well... plant them in the garden and maybe next summer! CALIN
Yep, that is the already bloomed plant sale, so no show for you this year, but cut off the spent flower parts ( the plant may have been pollinated and be going to seed and will spend much of its energy making seeds instead of replenishing the new flower bud inside the bulb for next year) but leave all the foliage and put it in a sunny spot in your garden, yard or flower bed and next year you will get to enjoy it.
A plant that size has already outgrown a pot that size. If you can't put it in the ground then put it in a larger pot and don't forget to keep it watered like you would any other plant. If you are going to put it in the ground eventually it's best to do it now or in the fall. If you plant it someplace and decide next year it should be somewhere else then after it blooms you can move it again. The leaves will eventually turn yellow, die and disconnect themselves from the bulb so be sure to put a marker in the pot or where you plant it in the ground so you will remember what is planted there. Just cut, nothing fancy.
Eventually the above ground green parts will die and fall off. Don't cut them off before they are falling over, the bulb uses them to gather growing energy from the sun for growth next spring
Height will depend on a couple of things. If it is a dwarf variety, then no it will not grow much taller than it did this year. If it is not a dwarf variety then it can grow usually about 2-3 feet tall. During the winter the bulb will be using it's stored up energy not only getting ready to put out new growth next spring but it could multiply. Next year you could have more stems than this year but if the bulb isn't large enough you might not get additional stems for a couple of years. The number of blooms per stem ranges from 2-7 depending on the variety of lily and bulb size. Have you seen the photos members have added to the plant page for the Asiatic Lily? So many colors possible and if your plant wasn't labeled with the color then you will have to spend several months wondering what you will get next spring. Lilium asiaticum (Asiatic Lily)
Elishasmama, The height will depend on the growing conditions next a certain extent. It is so dry here that the asiatics I have in my flowerbed are normally 2 feet tall. This year they are less than a foot the blooms are still pretty, they just are not as tall as other years. It doesn't really matter how or what angle you cut the spent blooms off. I sometimes just snap them off with my fingers when I am working in the flowerbed and notice they are going to seed. It just really doesn't matter, just take them off. Pot it up in a bigger pot and keep it watered for the summer if you can't put it outside in the ground yet. Eventually the foliage will start to turn yellow, that is when you stop watering it and let it go dormant. You will not need to water it while it is dormant, either. Otherwise you will rot the bulb.
You don't have serious frosts, do you? Those Asiatic lilies live outside in my garden all year long, so if I were you I'd leave it outside.
They're either rather cold, -15°C or 5°F with or without snow like the two winters before last, or they're milder, with sleet and rain, like last winter.