A garden pond side observation: Throughout the day bull frogs inhabit our two ponds terrorizing any insect within tongue reach. Air traffic control has a no-fly zone around the area but there is always some moth that does not adhere to the restricted air space. Frogs not wanting to pass up a good meal will often leap after the errant flyers. As the afternoon draws to a close and the last hour ticks by the frogs just 'disappear'. It's as if a whistle blows and poof! No frogs!! Perhaps a bus stops by and the frogs hop aboard. Off to a local bar to hoist a cool one during happy hour. Didn't they make a TV commercial about that? They spend the night time cavorting and playing games of zott. By dawn you find them back in their pond side haunts, sunning themselves and watching for carefree moths dancing on the air . Do you know where your frogs are? Where they go at night? This public service announcement has been brought to you by hops growers nation wide. The best hops are in your local brew. When you hoist a cool one think of hops. Where did you think frogs got the ability to hop so far? Jerry P.S. I can almost tell what time it is, when the frogs disappear.
You crack me up Jerry. We can hear frogs from the nearby ponds/canal/ditches at night. Sometimes you just have to go out and shout "SHUT UP!!!!!!" Sometimes it works... other times I think they just sit there and laugh and then start croaking again.
jerry you always tell such great stories and always make me smile I love frogs am going to make some toad abodes for mine I have seen several this year now those scary lizards I don't like lol