For a moment there I thought you were going to say it was 426 days till spring. Sounds like you are chomping at the bit Captain. Have you ordered any seeds? Contimplated what you will grow? Jerry
Thought you had hit 60 degrees today, as we did! I'm so anxious to plant, but I know there will be cold days coming, and the soil isn't warmed. Spring can be so cruel . . . .
At my altitude it doesn't make a lot of difference but it won't be long after that the earliest bulbs will be coming up...I hope.
Won't it be nice once spring comes around! I am waiting for baseball to begin, we have tickets to the timberrattlers again and it does start in April here but it can still be pretty chilly...I just want to get outdoors....
Red-Tailed Hawks have begun pairing up and establishing territories, the house/purple finches are singing their territorial songs, Cardinal males have begun chasing one another away from prime nesting areas. Winter's back is broken, and the days grow longer, even imperceptible as that currently is. A gardener's fancy is turned to seedlings and the smell of fresh earth.