The cottonwood trees are shedding their seeds and cotton fluff and it looks like we are having snow showers!
And it seems that every bit of fluff lands and sticks to our window screens! My vacuum is choked with the stuff, and there is no end in sight. However, it is vastly preferable to the cold snow that doesn't stick to screens, but just has to be shoveled.
I'm glad we don't have cottonwood trees here. We do have cotton grass though and when it's windy the seed heads blow everywhere.
Thanks Capt. I feel like this is de' javu... you gave me the heads up last year too, but this year we are needing the AC so I'll have to watch. Friday is supposed to go down to 41 though .
The birds must not need for nest building material with a cottonwood around. You need a few more birds Captain. I know a guy named Hitchcock who has a few. Jerry
TX has cottonwoods, and I never saw them while there. However, I was highly allergic when they were in bloom. I was wondering about how it could snow and be 88' out. I figured you would have some very violent weather if it did.
Sounds like those Cottonwoods make quite a mess! Over here no Cottonwoods, but we have Poplars. They too shed their seeds in white fluffy stuff that blows all over the place. The insect-screens on my windows tend to get covered. For the moment, no Poplarsnow here, but with temps of only 9ºC forecast for Thu & Fri, it wouldn't surprise me if they forecast snow next! Jerry, good Tip(pi)
Oh dear, Capt., silly me, I never knew that's what you call them in the US The poplars we have here don't shed half as much as their American cousins. They are indeed related, though, something I've learnt today.