A Chilly Day In The Clubhouse

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Sjoerd, Sep 28, 2024 at 12:37 PM.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    It’s all winding down in the garden now. It is cold, wet and windy now so, like in the Spring, one must choose one’s moments to work in the lottie.

    Yesterday it poured with rain all day long; but we did get out to the allotment complex for a monthly get-together. There was courgette soup, potato salad french bread and a selection of things to drink. They had also made a fifteen-question gardening quiz.

    It was sad because the organisers had planned for a “do”. We were the only two gardeners out of 200 that showed up, besides the organisers. We found it a bit sad for them, after all the planning and time they put into it.

    As we were eating one of the organisers said, “Hey, you know what, we’ll just do that quiz anyway”. Everyone was enthusiastic about it.

    Well, we had to do something because the heat had not been turned on. It was a moist cold and we all sat there in our cardi's and coats. I had three small bowls of the courgette soup. It was delicious.

    After a couple of hours another fellow showed up. Just in time for a cuppa before we all went home. It was his birthday and my Bride and I gave him the prises we had won. The prizes were pots of jam, so it wasn’t a total bust for him.

    On the way home my Bride and I asked each other if it wasn’t time for the first cup of hot chocolate of the season. You don’t have to ask me twice.
    Daniel W likes this.
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