These travel in groups of 20 or more and get on very well with each other. Here are a male and a female. Female bushtit. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) Female Bushtit male bushtit. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) Male bushtit.
How cute. I could just have a batch of 20 of them in my yard. I would make friends with them very quickly. There is a guy in Niagara Falls, NY (probably dead by now) who had all the birds land on him to get feed. He let me feed them one time and I had birds sitting all over me when I held my arms out. They sat on my arms hands and even my head. They clung on my back and front. I was covered with little birds. Wouldn't that be cool with these little Bushtit? Barb in Pa.