There were a few wildflowers on my Tues. outing. We have three species of shooting star, this one is the most common. The small calypso orchid was everywhere but not in bunches, this was the most in the same spot, they were usually in one's or two's. Broad-leaved Shooting Star. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) Calypso Orchid. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
Do you know if your shooting stars are from the same family as cyclamen Kildale? They look very similar. Is the calypso orchid a native plant? It's so delicate looking but it must be hardy if it's growing the wild. Nature never ceases to amaze me.
That orchid is so exquisite and delicate looking. Amazing. You had a wonderful outing on Tuesday and to have experienced all the beauty tha nature has to offer. THanks for sharing these lovely piccies. THis is the first time ever that I see these orchids.
Oooh, I'd love to have that orchid growing in my garden! I've already got the shooting star and a white, small Dodecathon.
Thank you for the messages. Not sure about the cyclamen but we do have three slightly different ones here.The calypso is native. Its a great time of the year here when the flowers start to show themselves.