I made a cone type feeder for the birds as shown. I made a series of pictures showing how I made it, Cup Feeder, if interested.
No need to buy the expensive feeders of this type any more. You can add whatever your birds prefer then sit back and watch them enjoying it. I use yoghurt cartons for mine and they're perfect - especially in winter.
How do you keep the crows from raiding and destroying it? I have a couple of feeders but the crows here just rob it mercilessly within minutes of it going outside.
We have crows around but they never come in to our yard, don't know why. I have seen them drop a stale slice of bread in a water dish and come back for later when it is soft.
Great idea....we are not feeding the birds for a while until we get to know the area better. I do plan on feeding the orioles and the hummingbirds in the spring but I am not sure I want to attract the ducks, etc. into the yard and have to deal with all of the droppings.
Great idea Kildale,..i must give that a go,..all i need is the gelatine,..up to now the feeder and any kind of fine mesh onion bags filled with nuts and stuff were in use,..the darn crows reef the onion bags.
Wow!! How did I miss this one. Fantastic Idea. I can almost see the finches lining up for a new feeder. I would wake them up in their roost(under a side porch roof) and tell them about it the except I know if I did that they would get very upset. I once shined a flashlight in the wrong direction and got lots of feathers and beaks. I think one even threw an alarm clock at me. They will receive a surprise some sunny morning. Instead of sharing the suet brick with a dozen woodpeckers they get their own feeder. Lucky birds......pampered birds. Hmmmm...I wonder if I can use flavored jello? I might have some plain gelatin as I use to make coffee jello. I will have to look. Jerry