I've seen many in my neighborhood, but never in my yard, let alone at the feeders. Actually there were two Northern Yellow shafted Flickers.
Having a "first timer" at a feeder is always thrilling, but such a lovely bird--even better! It's plumage, except for the red, looks a bit like our Inca doves.
We don't have these birds here in Scotland so it's always a pleasure to hear of them visiting others gardens. Even better is when we get see photographs of them. Many thanks Licenter.
Beautiful birds. What were they wating? Do you provide suet?..... I just checked your first photo & I think I see a suet feeder. Is that what they were going for?
Yes it's insect infused suet. I also have mealworm blocks that many birds love, even the cardinals hit it every so often.
WOW!! I think I'm lucky to see two of our Great Spotted Woodpeckers visiting the feeders!! I think I want to come and live in your garden.
I have these guys around my backyard. They're cute to watch and I love the flashes or colour on them as well.