I have walked along the lagoon here for years, and three times a week, and have never seen one of these ducks. Actually, I haven't seen one anywhere, its a first for me. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
Also called Blue Bills breed in SW Canada in the Winter more so in Alberta. Not so far away from you....she must have been a bit lost
I think they're probably the same species Barb as the male Ruddy duck has a blue bill. We get them here in West Lothian and also further south and north.
WOW Someone else does these things that I do..... The key words here eileen are "Also called". Barb agrees with eileen. They are the same. The common name is interchangeable.
According to the colorful Ruddy duck distribution map, Kildale's house is on the edge of the blue area. Indicating that the Ruddy duck may be/become a non breeding permanent resident. Kildale may get to see more of this duck. And if the guys find out there is a single lady, they may come courting. 'Non-breeding resident' sounds like the location is a vacation spot. Any way that's what the map says......oh, the duck can't walk on land and to hide they go underwater rather than fly. Jerry
Kildale, You are so funny. I haven't had so many smiles and giggles in years until this topic appeared. Thank You all.....