For the last several years Randy has been able to work from home two days a week. He has really liked not having the 45 minute to 1 hour commute each way on those days. The boss he had during that time was promoted and moved to another division and his new boss has given him permission to work from home every day now. The office he was in was just a cubby with a desk and phone, the rest of the team he works with live in several other places around the country...his boss lives in Chicago, thankfully moving there was never a requirement. No more getting up at 5 to be at work by 7 and no more leaving there at 4:30 and hoping there will be no major traffic problems so he could be home by 5:30. No more manhandling the 35 yr old pickup truck that he loves thru traffic and being more tired when he gets home than when he left work. No more twice a week stops at the gas station. And most importantly for me is NO more mentally holding my breath until he safely pulls in the driveway each afternoon. It shouldn't be too much of a strain on our relationship having him home ALLLLLLLLL the time now. He is in his office most of the time and even better is he learned in the first year of our marriage that I only cook or in anyway prepare one meal a day, as opposed to his Mom who made three meals a day, so when he is hungry he feeds himself.
I know its a relief on you mentally and on him.Much less on the pocket book and one less on the highways daily.I know you are a happy camper.
I'm still waiting to hear if Ian can work from home too Toni. I'm sure life will improve 100% now that there's no travelling involved and just think of the money you'll save on petrol - hey - you could buy plants with it!!!
Ah the joys of working from home, is there a sweeter thing Sounds like you are excited about this change and I'm sure Randy is too. Now you can enjoy even more precious moments together. Sounds like a great start to 2007 for you guys!
Let's try this again. My brain said hit home so I did and blew away the message. Yieeee!! I'm happy Randy will be home now. You will have longer evenings together. No more traffic worries during rush hour. Dooley
Oh how I wish Mark could work from home! His commute is only 30 minutes, but I get so worried when he's even a few minutes late. There are a lot of maniacs on the road these days! What a great start to 2007 for you Toni
That's great Toni, I hate the 30 minute drive to and from, and as I don't drive Richard brings me back and forty, that's 2 fillups a week. Just think of all the extra money to buy garden stuff and go thrift store shopping. Yeah!!!!!!!
How great is that, Toni!?! I'm totally green with envy , DH's territory covers several counties in his capacity for the state of N.C., so he has to stay out of town about 3 nights a week.
I know how you feel Zuzu. The company Randy worked for when Amanda was born shut down 4 days after we came home from the hospital. His former boss moved to Omaha, Nebraska and gave Randy a job on a contract basis. for the first 5 months he worked from home but Amanda was about 6 months old he started working in Omaha. He would be gone from Sunday afternoon till Friday evening....FedEx would deliver his airplane ticket on Saturday morning and he would leave Sunday around 2 again. That went on for almost 2 1/2 years. We are both really happy with this new arrangement, he feels like he has regained more than two hours of his life back every day.
Eeee-yikes, well, I shouldn't whine then, at least DH doesn't have to leave 'til Monday morning and usually gets back in on Thursday. I'm really so glad that this turn-about has come for you all, Randy certainly paid his dues with all that time away from home, back when.