Now that garden I could keep looking pretty. Might have to make one for oldest daughter for her birthday.
I have seen strawberries painted on the rocks too...they are both really cute but I doubt if I could get them to look that painting skills in me
I have a friend who loves cacti but doesn't have much joy in keeping them alive. When her birthday comes up I now have the perfect gift in mind for her. Thanks Ronni. Who would have thought that rocks could look so good?
I might just have to find someone that can paint....hmmmmmmmmmmm I am wondering if my neighbor still is sure great to have a nice picture of it, I will have to copy it and see if she can do it for me. Thank you for such a great idea... oops....forgot to ask permission..Ronni, is it alright to copy the picture for my neighbor to see?
You have me fooled....Are these rocks or cacti? Nice I like the concept it looks great!!
I had first seen these on facebook I think so I googled strawberry rocks and came up with this picture. Someone who lives in Chicago did these and even gave directions on how to paint them... they said to add them to your strawberry garden so the birds try to eat them and then maybe they will give up and leave the real ones alone...