This was actually quite refreshing on a hot day! The nozzle suddenly leaked in 20 places! the nozzle fizzled and popped ( photo / image / picture from CrisGzr's Garden )
A hot day? The leaks were probably caused by some clever garden animals, akin to kids opening a fire hydrant on a hot day. Jerry
I need to stop buying the cheapest things on the rack, they never last long. Tomorrow, I'm off to the Farm Supply Store. Farmers demand more durability from their products.
Calin, good idea, especially for a magical floating one! Thanks Cayuga, if only all catastrophes were so! Donna, I did ;-) much to the envy of 4 hairy beasts watching me! the 5th one KitKit was not so impressed I think you're right, Tooty, in fact, I had forgotten to water the back yard where the gnomes are living for a few days!
Sounds more like the work of "Brownies", compared to "Gnomes", can live with "Gnomes",..but "Brownies",..can be real nasty if you don't leave out something to eat and drink for them.
Phillip -so it's Brownies! I didn't believe the dogs, but now I know! They bark like we have company and no one is there! ha ha ha
Hot?!? You lucky so-and-so, you. I'd gladly replace my watering hose once per week if I could get some hot weather.
I go through them once a week just about. My two yr old breaks them, even the nice ones so I stick with the dollar ones for now. He's not a gnome but I do call him monkey.
Droopy, I'd trade with you in a minute. It's a pity we can't trade homes each summer LOL but my 4 siberians are too much um, fun? yeah fun... I love the cold,, I love snow, I dream of the day I could go ski-jouring with my dogs... but I also love my skinny DH who hates anything below 50ºF sigh!