Last year we built a covered patio. We still haven't put in the ceiling so the underside of the roof is exposed along with a narrow ledge above the cross beam that a robin has decided to build a nest on. I'm afraid that all our coming and going is going to make her abandon her eggs or young as this is where the family gather to visit and barbeque. We took every thing out of it and with-in 15 minutes she was hauling more nesting material back in! What should we do to discourage her?
Is it possible to place some small box shaped items up there temporarily so that it makes it harder to nest?
An old friend of mine (sadly gone now) used to put toy rubber snakes where he didn't want birds to nest. It seemed to work for him.
She has found the perfect spot out of the weather...good luck. Maybe putting some cardboard up there to block the areas.
We had one build a nest on top of our power meter- the poor meter man!!! We avoided the back porch (where she was living) and waited for the babies to fly away. Then I read that they can have as many as 3 families a year and like to come back to the same nest!!!!
They decided that they didn't like all the traffic crossing 'their' area and moved out. I hope they stay close by. Last year they built their nest in the fir tree right by our deck. I never found the nest but I did get to see the fledglings being fed and was even a launching pad for the first flight! I was bent over weeding under the tree when one of the babies hit my back and launched himself again! I guess he just needed an extra boost. Mike and I both got a good laugh out of that.
I missed the perfect opportunity to take a snap of a Robin, It was resting on my Fern log looking round the garden. K