In no particular order.... This was found in my strawberry beds. It didn't look like a weed so I let it grow. Its purple beans! I planted some last year on the other side of the shed, I wonder if a bird "planted" it?? ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) This is a Cat Tree... (no kittens were harmed in the making of this photo) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Raspberry bush. The little one on the left is the one I originally planted. The big one on the left sprouted a few weeks later! The plants in back are Sunflowers... ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) My blueberries need more acidic soil I added garden sulfur to the soil...hope they do better later. Also sunflowers and marigolds ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Sunflowers in back, Lilac left, Lemon Balm top right, strawberries bottom right. I covered the strawbs with bird cloth. Now I just have to kill the slugs (something keeps taking bites out of my berries!) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) We've got pears! (ok, so theyre babies...but they'll grow ) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Check out my Mega Cabbage! ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Moms roses ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Blue Girl rose ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Gorgeous ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) This thing is huge (Jude standing next to my rose) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) I dont remember the name of this lily, but its a beaut ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Yarrow "Moonshine". I had to put a plant prop around it cause it was all leaning over onto the sidewalk. ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) The President clematis ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) I dont remember what this one is ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) I think I need a bigger trellis ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Penstemon (needs a prop, its floppy) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Yarrow "Apple blossom" (its very pale pink, though one of the heads is white) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Blanket Flower, 2 diff types ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Shasta Daisy ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) Wow, that was kinda long...I just like showing off my flowers
That's a great garden you have going there. I love how the Yarrow 'Moonshine' smell. Your President Clematis and the lavender one look great and especially in the photo where they are next to each other. They complement each other very well. I hope your Blueberries do better too. All in all A wonderful garden, good job.
So many lovely coloured flowers and healthy looking veggies. We have lemon balm here too and I love to rub the leaves and release that wonderful sherbety lemon scent.
Hello There, Bip[--What a joy it was to roll through your lovely flowers...and to see howe you created that growing strip up next to you house. You have a nice combination of plants. I had a little chuckle when I read and saw that small cat. Wasn't it odd that that bean popped-up where it dia. Will you allow it to stay and grow where it is? Nice posting.
gosh, everything is so pretty Bip! I struggle with keeping the soil acidic for blues too... You've got so many nice plants going on -- esp the clematis, and that blue girl rose - wow. You've really done a great job, I remember when you started the new bed earlier.
Thanks for showing me around. Your garden is looking good. I especially liked the cat tree. How often does it need harvesting?
Thanks all I love Google...the red lily is a 'Matrix' It was in the bed with the bee balm, but was getting hidden by the foliage, so I dug it out Monday and put it next to my bench in front of the house so it can get more sun and I can see it better
Looking very good Bip, lots of work went into your gardening and it shows. I have a Blue Girl Rose too, the fragrance is absolutely wonderful. I have some sunflowers coming up several feet away from the feeder thanks to the birds and a couple of Gourd seedlings from some old and I thought no longer viable, gourd seeds I put out for them last year. I love some surprises in the garden tho.