I took my camera and went for a short walk this morning. I stayed mostly in the driveway because the grass was soaking wet from a heavy dew. This is a pic of my Autumn Joy. This is my Fall Aster. Last year it got up to 6 ft tall and didn't have many bloom. We researched it and found out that we could trim it back about mid-June, which we did. Now it is only about 3 ft tall and is 3 ft wide and is loaded with buds. This is a pic of the upper part of the driveway. I liked the way it was in shadow and the sun shining at the low area. Kind of like looking down a tunnel.
Beautiful Capt. The Autumn Joy looks happy again this year, have you thinned it out or is that still all the plants from last year? Don't forget another picture when that Aster blossoms, it will be gorgeous. I love the tunnel the trees form on your lane. I know you aren't but I am really looking forward to seeing it again with snow on the ground
The Autumn Joy very badley need to be thinned out. There are 13 clusters of plants in that hedge. This spring I am going to thin them and trasplant the rest to the top of the bank on the right side of the driveway in the pic. In fact at the end of this month I will start killing off the grass on that side. I will definately take a pic of the Aster in bloom. It ought to be really pretty this year.
Toni, I will have to 'ditto' your comment. I would just love some really cold weather! Doesn't seem as if this heat will ever end.
I will have to gorgeous Capt Kirk.You always manage to pick perfect photos.Your Autumn Joy Truly is a Joy to see.And your tunnel would make a wonderful painting for over my computer.
The Sedum is in all it's glory here too. I had never noticed it's sweet scent until the other day! How long is your driveway Capt?
You have a very lovely lane it does look like a postcard pic maybe even a calander pic And your sedum looks really nice all filled out like that
Your drive reminds me of a peaceful country road... I am liking sedum more and more. Capt -- How are you planning to start getting rid of the grass? I'm beginning to think about where I want to expand some beds in Spring too.
My driveway is just short of 1/4 mile. Where the sun is in the pic, itgoes up a hill and then levels out to the road. I will spray the bank with weed and grass killer this fall and then again next spring and then I will transplant the Autumn Joy.
I really enjoy your place, Capt. Thanks for showing it. I think your autumn joys are a treat. Mine never get that tall or glowing.