We are down to only 3 or 4 big patches of snow in the yard now. It got up to 64 deg. F today. Was out looking to see if anything was happening in th flower beds. There is new growth at the base of Autumn Joy. This year I am going to thin it out and transplant some of it. I have one Hyacinth coming up. The mini-globe Allium is up too. I have some Daffs coming up and one bud on them. Looked to see if the wild Blood Root was starting to come up yet, but no sign of it. It isn't a whole lot, but it proves that there is life down there under some of the snow after all.
I took a walk around our garden too CK and was amazed at just how much was going on now that the snow has finally melted. I have scillia, cyclamen, snowdrops, crocus and hellebores in bloom. Daffs (some in bud) and tulips are sprouting along with some hyacinths. I have a feeling that spring has arrived at last!! :-D
I know how you feel Capt. We had several feet of snow too. It is all but gone now...still some big mountains in parking lots. My crocus are blooming. Hooray!
Our snow is disappearing ....rain, rain and more rain. I think I will have to find the umbrellas. I know just how you feel seeing new growth on plants and things poking up....I love it too.
Our ground still has to be frozen here...walking in my yard is squish, squish, squish. My back flower bed the bark is floating.
My snow is completely gone now. The high ground is draning, but the low areas are like walking on a soaked spong!