I previously posted about my husband giving me 200 lbs. of composted steer manure as a thank-you for doing a job he hadn't gotten to yet. Well, today I heaved 100 lbs. onto the new garlic bed. Maybe that wasn't such a great gift after all-- next time he needs to give me the manure and a front end loader! But I still love him, and appreciate the manure.
Funny followup But just think, it's going to make next year's yield so much more worth it. You'll remember the toil you had to go through, and face an excellent crop.
No pain, no gain they say. By the way, yesterday I came home to find that my husband had built a nice, low stone wall to finish off the new border. He had also put gravel on the path between the old and new border. I was mighty pleased. We're lucky girls, mg.