Hi all, I've just come across a great little calendar that I could add to the site. Take a look at it here http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/scripts/dht ... anner.html My question is: would you find this useful? Each member could have their own calendar that they could add to when they wish. Good idea?
It would certainly be handy as we could all put in our birthdays (don't have to mention the year ) and other important dates. Brilliant idea Frank. You've got my vote.
Sounds like it will be useful. What if I do it like this... I will add a calendar for the whole of the GardenStew community and if you feel that something needs to be added then you can PM me with the event date and details and I can add it to the calendar. This may work better than every member having a seperate calendar. Sound good?
One calendar for the forum sounds like fun...I have a milestone birthday coming up at the end of next month and a lot of condolences.....er, I mean Happy notes will be fun. But I have no need for an individual one. No more kids in school means I am no longer a slave to a calendar of events. I am really enjoying loosing track of what day it is or what the date is.
" I have a milestone birthday coming up at the end of next month" ...... does that means you're going to be 21 (again) then Toni?!!!
Oh yeah, at least one "again" It really doesn't bother me as much as it surprises the heck out of me....that age is for old people and I don't feel old.
Know what you mean Toni. I feel like a teemager on the inside but need to know who that old woman is that stares at me each morning in the mirror. :?
Ok all, I located a calender last night and I will add it to the site as soon as I can. So be on the look-out over the next few days