I've been looking for an Air Plant since July to put in a sea shell I got while vacationing in San Francisco. Finally found some at a Christmas Market! Air Plant in "bowl" shell ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And here's the second one in a shell that I got in Galveston after Hurricane Ike. Air Plant in sea shell ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) and the last one on some coral that I plan to give to a friend for Christmas. Air Plant on Coral ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
What gorgeous presentations, glad I don't have to pick a favorite because they each have a special quality about them.
Fantastic. I love air plants, but have never owned one. I adore the one in the coral, but the one in the urchin is also gorgeous.
What a clever idea. They look perfect in the shells and show each other off. Now I will have to restrain myself the next time I see the air plants. :-D
I'll have to show some restraint also. I have tons of seashells! And... there's another big market coming up this weekend and that lady said she'd be there too. Should I stay or should I go?
I would go if I were you, if you don't you will be kicking yourself until the next show comes along and who knows the next one might not have air plants. I have a yellow ceramic shell and a real conch shell, I will be on the hunt for air plants....wondered what on earth I was going to do with them. I gave my oldest daughter a blue ceramic one, wonder if she would like an air plant for it. Dagnabbit, another plant obsession in the making