Alcohol Troubleshooting.

Discussion in 'Jokes and Games' started by Frank, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Ooops Eileen, seems like the joke is being displayed incorrctly when posted :eek: I can still make it out though. It's good :D
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    >> >
    >> >
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | SYMPTOM | FAULT | ACTION |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Feet cold and| Glass being | Rotate glass |
    >> > | wet. | held at | so that open |
    >> > | | incorrect | end points |
    >> > | | angle. | toward |
    >> > | | | ceiling. |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Feet warm and| Improper | Stand next to|
    >> > | wet. | bladder | nearest dog, |
    >> > | | control. | complain |
    >> > | | | about house |
    >> > | | | training. |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Drink | Glass empty.| Get someone |
    >> > | unusually | | to buy you |
    >> > | pale and | | another |
    >> > | tasteless. | | drink. |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Opposite wall| You have | Have yourself|
    >> > | covered with | fallen over | leashed to |
    >> > | fluorescent | backward. | bar. |
    >> > | lights. | | |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Mouth | You have | See above. |
    >> > | contains | fallen | |
    >> > | cigarette | forward. | |
    >> > | butts. | | |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Alcohol | Mouth not | Retire to |
    >> > | tasteless, | open, or | restroom, |
    >> > | front of your| glass | practice in |
    >> > | shirt is wet.| applied to | mirror. |
    >> > | | wrong part | |
    >> > | | of face. | |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Floor | You are | Get someone |
    >> > | blurred. | looking | to buy you |
    >> > | | through | another |
    >> > | | bottom of | drink. |
    >> > | | empty glass.| |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Floor moving.| You are | Find out if |
    >> > | | being | you are being|
    >> > | | carried out.| taken to |
    >> > | | | another bar. |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Room seems | Bar has | Confirm home |
    >> > | unusually | closed. | address with |
    >> > | dark. | | bartender. |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Taxi suddenly| Alcohol | Cover mouth. |
    >> > | takes on | consumption | |
    >> > | colorful | has exceeded| |
    >> > | aspect and | personal | |
    >> > | textures. | limitations.| |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Everyone | You are | Fall on |
    >> > | looks up to | dancing on | somebody |
    >> > | you and | the table. | cushy-looking|
    >> > | smiles. | | . |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Drink is | It's water. | Punch him. |
    >> > | crystal-clear| Somebody is | |
    >> > | . | trying to | |
    >> > | | sober you | |
    >> > | | up. | |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Hands hurt, | You have | Apologize to |
    >> > | nose hurts, | been in a | everyone you |
    >> > | mind | fight. | see, just in |
    >> > | unusually | | case it was |
    >> > | clear. | | them. |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Don't | You've | See if they |
    >> > | recognize | wandered | have free |
    >> > | anyone, don't| into the | alcohol. |
    >> > | recognize the| wrong party.| |
    >> > | room you're | | |
    >> > | in. | | |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Your singing | The drink is| Have more |
    >> > | sounds | too weak. | alcohol until|
    >> > | distorted. | | your voice |
    >> > | | | improves. |
    >> > |--------------+-------------+--------------|
    >> > | Don't | Drink is | Play air |
    >> > | remember the | just right. | guitar. |
    >> > | words to the | | |
    >> > | song. | | |

    Now that's strange because it looks fine until I actually post it!! :? I can't even edit it. :(

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