Android smartphone emojis not supported.

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Comments / Help' started by S-H, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Karachi, Pakistan
    Dear Frank,

    Android smartphone emojis are not working when I write something here... I can still use them, and they do appear - But they aren't getting posted out into group when I press post.

    The emojis we already have on the site, aren't bad at all. And for desktop computers and laptops, the only option available. We all have had a lot of fun with them, and I am sure we will continue to play with them for many years to come. So I don't wish to see them retired.

    However in comparison to the number of emojis provided by Android smartphones and Google keyboard - The options we have here on the sute is now starting to feel somewhat limited, (and out of date too).

    I can imagine that it would require some heavy tweaking. So if it's too much work for such a small thing - Then just leave it and simply let things be as they are.

    But if you were already thinking about doing such a thing in the future. Then let me say it here and now, that I totally approve of it!

    It's just that aside from emojis, they also have small moving GIF embedding option too in Android - So I am starting to feel like we might be missing out on something.

    Anyway, this was just a suggestion. But no need to rush into it.
  2. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Galway, Ireland
    Hi @S-H , time is very limited these days so I'm afraid we are stuck with the Stew classic emoji set for now. If I find an easy solution for your feedback I will get to adding it :like: Thanks!
    S-H likes this.
  3. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    As for adding emojis to text.

    "I'm with Shakespeare, I don't use 'em."
    Evil Roy likes this.

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