Animals which can detect disasters, (before it happens)!

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I just read this very interesting article about animals, that can detect disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, and thunder...

    I had heard from people many times, (as well as read it over the internet) - That birds go away few hours before there is an earthquake or a tsunami. Ants too have been observed before there is any hint of a heavy thunderstorm. Yet their behavior changes.

    However this article is a very interesting read, as it has collected a lot information in one place. Hope you guys enjoy it just as much as I did.

    Also, if any of you have a personal story of any animal which exhibited this kind of behavior - Then please share it here, as I'd love to read it!
    MIKE ALLEN and Droopy like this.
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  3. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    It sounds interesting. I will try to read it soon.
    S-H likes this.
  4. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    My daughter and I laugh at our German Shepherd, who always knows the smoke alarm is going to go off before it actually does.
    The smoke alarm near our kitchen is very sensitive and sometimes goes off when we bake. He always lets us know before it does and we are already standing there ready to 'hush' it.
    Not exactly a natural disaster, but same idea.
    I also recently read an article about dogs used to sniff out cancer. Incredible!
    S-H likes this.
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    There are dogs that can detect when someone is going to have an epileptic seizure or if diabetics are in danger if their glucose levels drop too low or are too high.
    On a lighter note our dog can sniff out a lost tennis ball even if it's hidden in a thorny shrub. The amount of balls he's collected is incredible. We haven't had to buy him any in years!! He also knows just when it's time for his meals and will poke me with his nose if he thinks I'm overdue in fixing them.
    Aren't dogs just wonderful?
    MIKE ALLEN, Droopy and S-H like this.

  6. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    We had a collie/St. Bernard mix that we called a "California dog." He was very laid back, and a firm believer in "some other dude will do it." The only thing he could detect was his food dish, any treat, and who was in the mood to give a good belly scratch! Dogs are just wonderful, but each in his own way!
    Droopy likes this.
  7. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I read the article, thanks for the link. That was very interesting, and not really surprising. Even household animals still have most of the instincts their ancestors needed to survive in the wild.. We have noticed the birds disappearing before a thunder storm hits, but that's about it around here. We don't have a lot of natural disasters.
    S-H likes this.
  8. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I've just watched a programme about Mountain Rescue dogs. Yet another way dogs can do so much for we humans.
    S-H likes this.
  9. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    My Dog could always tell when our father would be returning home. She and I would always be playing outside in the garden - But just 5 minutes before father would be returning, she'd lose interest in playing, and just focus her entire attention on the gate and our driveway, (where the car would be parked). Father would return at different times, yet she always knew 5 minutes before.

    When I was 9, and my mother was in the hospital - I heard our Dog yell out a most painful scream. I quickly ran outside to see what had happened, fearing that our Dog got hurt very badly or something? I found her crying, actually weeping with tears. I checked everything, (fearing a snake bite). But everything was fine.

    Thing about that house was, that there was a big clock on the wall opposite to the door. So everytime anyone entered or exited the house, we would always see the clock. Therefore I glanced at the time, and till this day remember it - Few hours later I got the news that my mother had passed away... I inquired about the time, and it turned out to be EXACTLY the moment our Dog let out a painful scream.

    That's just one example, but there were others instances too, where our Dog exhibited this remarkable ability. Like my father had a very good lawyer friend, who we all trusted a lot, (he was like an uncle to me). But I could never understand why our Dog hated him so much - She literally wanted to tear him apart whenever she would see him. She was a very strong Dog for her size, so she was almost impossible to control when she would get in a rage. Which is why, whenever this guy would be visiting, we would take our Dog to the back side of the house.

    Few years later, that lawyer cheated us, and made a secret deal with the opposite side in a court case, (took a very heavy bribe). And caused a huge loss to us. We found out later, when he died and his son then came to us for help. That boy was young, and so didn't know how everything worked. So my father assisted him. But when that dead lawyer's bank locker was opened, out came a few documents, which explained the entire story how he cheated us.

    However, our Dog always knew, as she wanted to kill this lawyer upon site - And had she not been restrained, she actually would have killed him... That's why, I always out of respect, whenever I write the word Dog, I always do so with a capital D, (it's not a typing error).

    On a few different other occasions also, our Dog exhibited psychic ability! When in my early teens, I was working in the garden, I for a brief moment felt a presence of someone very familiar, (my mother). Like she was telling what not to do, when I was doing something wrong. But she was long dead, so obviously impossible. Yet as a reflex I did look in that direction - But found nothing except empty air.

    So I told myself that it was nothing but my imagination. Then I looked at what I was doing, (holding the garden spade wrong). Therefore I realized that it was my own subconscious mind, which suddenly reminded me how my mother would call me out whenever I was doing something incorrectly. So just a trick of my own mind I told myself... But then I saw our Dog, wagging her tail with excitement and a big smile on her face, while looking at that same empty place I instinctively turned my head to. So apparently, our Dog could see things I couldn't.

    Anyhow, I then tried my best to learn this ability from our Dog. And to a great degree, I did pick it up too, but nowhere near as close to how she used it... As a physicist, I can now into explaining how this ability might work. But then I'll have to explain very complex theories about quantum entanglement, the fabric of space and time continuum, plus a few more things, which often I myself have a difficult time understanding. So I will stop here, and let everyone else come to their own conclusions regarding how this is possible. But apparently, animals already know far more than we do...

    But one thing I will mention over here is, that when I was talking to a few ex-military retired war veterans, as well as those who were still serving, and in perticular special forces operatives - They all believed me instantly! Because they too had similar abilities of their own. Some said that these abilities within them suddenly awoke in the battlefield, during war, under very heavy fire. While others confessed of having similar abilities, which awoke during covert missions of a very sensitive nature. I have my own collection of personal stories of a very similar nature, however I am not going to share them here... But another common thing among us all is that often our eyes would involuntarily move to the phone, just seconds before it rings.

    Same thing when it comes to avoiding traffic accidents. Where I also once pressed hard on the break involuntarily, like a reflex, without knowing why - Only seconds after which a speeding truck ran through the red light, (which I wouldn't have seen had I continued the way I was going).

    Another thing in all of us who have this ability, is that we can tell whenever someone is looking at us. We instinctively know from which direction we are being watched. All military special forces operatives confirmed of having this ability too - I can nowadays even tell where there is a hidden camera watching me... I was in a department store, and I felt like I was being watched. I turned in the direction from where I felt this gaze, but there was nothing there. But out of curiosity, I watched closely under that rack of a supermarket shelf - Only to discover a very tiny wireless camera. So I smiled and waved into it, then went about my business. However at the checkout, I noticed a somewhat annoyed yet perplexed security officer giving me very nasty looks. But he couldn't exactly say or do anything, as I hadn't done anything wrong, I only discovered their hidden camera.

    However since any of this is impossible to prove, those who have this ability, don't really talk about it, (at the risk of sounding insane). We really don't talk about it, unless we meet someone else who has this ability also - another common factor in most of us is, nearly all of us grew up with a very loving pet, usually a Dog.

    So today, thanks to my Dog, I at least can't be lied to or get swindled. Can't be taken by surprise. As I too can see straight through a person...

    One thing which I do not like about it is, that now I can also sometimes tell when someone's time is up. They might seem completely normal and would be interacting with you just fine. But something in them is off, a few days or a few moments after which, those people die without warning - It's happened too many times now, so I can see a pattern. And I can't explain it. But it is something I can sense, (unfortunately). It's got something to do with the eyes. Like a light behind them has just been turned off. Very difficult to explain in words... But to put it in another way, it's kind of like the soul behind those eyes has already left, or has gone into deep sleep. While the person and his/her body, is now just operating on autopilot.

    Normally I would realize this afterwards, (in hindsight), when I'd later get the news that someone just passed away. So that's when I would recall that yeah, they had that strange empty look in their eyes. But now, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, (and witnessing a lot of deaths), this ability seems to have sharpened a lot. So I can today spot and realize it in real time...

    But now that I can sense what's going to happen to them in the very near future - I just shut up and say nothing. Because the repercussions of becoming know to have such an ability, isn't going to amount to anything positive.

    Sadly, I have never been wrong about this.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    eileen and Droopy like this.
  10. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    My dogs know many hours before a thunderstorm hits ! Even middle of the night you might as well get up,, they will not let you sleep !!
    MIKE ALLEN and S-H like this.
  11. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Yes, they literally know EVERYTHING I swear, (before it happens)! And from detecting drugs, contraband, and explosives, to saving lives as part of a rescue team - Dogs literally are our best friends!

    Frank and eileen like this.

    MIKE ALLEN Seedling

    Sep 20, 2021
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    Eltham. London. SE England.
    What wonderful messages. I once was involved with a very close friend, now dec'd. He made the comment. It's only a dumb animal Mike. This led into a lengthy chat. I said something along the lines. Bill. That dumb animal if only it could speak up for itself. Would leave you standing in the corner with the biggest ever dunces hat on. Science has proved, members of the animal kingdom, including insects. Their main senses compared to mankind's is far far superior. To avoid dragging out this. In todays world. Reports that family's pet dog has been destroyed, because it bit the kid. If only the dog could have spoken up for itself. The kid tried to gouge my eyes out. Take the Peregrin falcon. The fastested bird. Such eyesight. Youtube has allowed us to watch vidios of, lap rats. Most of us shudder at the mention of rats. I have observed the common rat, and to me. It is one of the most intelligent of animals. Lap Rats as they ar commonly called. Are used in some war-torn countries to sniff out and detct land mines. Back to the days of the milkman, baker etc using horse drawn carts. A stallion would get a bit frisky, if and when a woman passed close by during her menses. IMHO. The animal kingdom can teach us so,so much.
    S-H likes this.
  13. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    @MIKE ALLEN , the number of neurons in the brains of "lower animals", still outnumber the amount of transistors on microchips in even the most powerful supercomputers humanity has today - Just saying, if anyone wants to compare raw processing power.

    Another point which I would like to mention is. That for a very long time, it was assumed, (stupidly assumed), that only we humans could dream in our sleep. And so that was thought to be the benchmark of a very superior brain... However anyone who has ever had pet Dog or a cat, (myself included) - Will testify witnessing their pets sometimes twitch and react in a certain way during sleep. Exactly as if they were dreaming.

    Whenever we would see our Dog doing that while sleeping in the living room. I and my sister would make cat sounds, (as our Dog hated cats) - And I swear to you, our Dog would sometimes start growling a little during sleep... Which suggests a very superior mind, that is open to outside stimulation. Meaning that the mind is receptive, and is able to make sense of random occurrences. And give then attributes from a stored database from within. Proving that they have very superior memory too.

    So far, the most superior envisioning of an artificially intelligent supercomputer in science fiction. Is Hall 9000 and Sal 9000 computers in Auther C. Clark's 2001 a Space Odyssey. And even those machines had a lot of trouble comprehending a dream state.

    Dogs and cats can also understand language very well. As they are ultra intuitive! Only reason why they can talk back to us, (abd so incorrectly assumed to be stupid), is that their throats are in such a way - That they can both swallow and breathe at the same time. Human babies can also do this, as it's nature's way, so that a child can continue his or her breastfeeding, without choking... However, as the child becomes older, their throat changes. And so the moment they can no longer breathe and swallow at the same time - Is when they start talking.

    However that didn't stop our Dog from trying to speak. And on a number of occasions, she did successfully call out our names, as well as dead a few other words, (believe it or not)! Nowadays there are YouTube videos where Dogs are trying to speak. But back during the 80s and 90s, I and my family were really scared of telling anyone that our Dog could speak. As some narrow minded fools might have mistaken this as a religious prophecy, signaling the arrival of the Antichrist...

    eileen likes this.
  14. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Everybody over here remember Koko? The gorilla who could communicate with sign language? Well she had a very powerful and deeply moving message to give to humanity, (before she passed away). Read all about it in the link below.

    “I am gorilla… I am flowers, animals. I am nature. Man Koko love. Earth Koko love. But man stupid… Stupid! Koko sorry. Koko cry. Time hurry! Fix Earth! Help Earth! Hurry! Protect Earth… Nature see you. Thank you.”

    So like I said before, that animals might not be able to talk. But if a way of communicating could be established between us and them. Like in this case Koko the gorilla could talk with sign language. Then that just opens up an entire new world!

    Of course, anyone who has kept a Dog, already knows that even without speaking. Dogs have no trouble communicating with us, and expressing their point across very clearly...
    MIKE ALLEN likes this.
  15. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Rufus can detect when a cheese cracker is about to fall off the plate, long before it happens. He sits there waiting for it, and knows exactly when it is about to fall.
    marlingardener likes this.
  16. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    We had a dog that knew the last bite of my lunch sandwich was his. He wouldn't beg, just stare and when there was one bite left, he claimed it. I was happy to share.
    Daniel W likes this.

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