I mentioned my injured chicken [Blondie] on here a few weeks ago under the comfrey post. Her physical wounds are about 99% healed now, but she seems to have a case of PTSD because of that mean rooster I had. He was very mean to her, gave her huge gashes in her side, which I doctored and they are healed. But now she seems to be afraid of almost everything and cowers in her cage even when it is open, or in a corner in the chicken pen. I only have 5 hens. Their pen and quarters seem adequate for the few that I have. They get good food and clean water daily. I hug her and pet her every day too. One of the other hens [Sugar] has started pecking on her when they are together, I hope she wont really hurt her. Sometimes Blondie just shakes with fear, poor baby.
The pecking on her is likely to get worse over time. The other chickens know fear when the see or smell it and that makes her an easy target. Maybe a separate cage and pen for her?
I have a separate cage for her, she has been using that since her injuries. Guess they will have to take turns on the pen though. She snuggles next to them through the cage wall at night, so I didnt think they would reject her after all that.
Most Roosters are good and protect the hens,..the odd one can do a lot of damage,..PTSD type reaction even in hens is not unusual,..they do remember!,..i am pleased that "Blondie",..is 99% recovered,..and in time will probably be fully recovered,..what i would keep an eye on is the new culprit,.."Sugar",..and this pecking,..now that does get out of hand,..even to the extent that all the head or tail feathers were pecked away and nothing left but flesh,..then it would start on the flesh,..when i spotted pecking starting i always removed the pecking hen,..lets say culled,..so do keep an eye on "Sugar",..and her pecking.
I agree with having a seperate cage for "Blondie". The pecking can sometimes get to the point they will start to actually start really hurting each othher.. If she has become acustomed to you being that close you could try having her inside.
I did put another hen, Baby in with her as Baby is my gentlest hen so she would have a friend. They seem to be doing well so far. So there are Baby and Blondie on one side and the other three hens on the other side [Bossy, Sugar, and Little Red].. Perhaps Blondie just needs some more time, and a friend to help her out. They can tell each other their little chicken troubles. I will try to alternate their time out in the pen for now. Baby comes right up to me to be held and is a very gentle type. I thought she would be the best one to put in with Blondie. It may just be that Big Roo was too big for my hens? He is a Cochin and they are smaller breeds of chicken. He was very rough on Blondie though. I do hope she recovers before too long. She is very sweet and one of my favorites.
I don't know a darn thing about chickens, but to me, your idea to put Baby in with Blondie was inspired. I hope she recovers, poor girl.
Blondie seems to be doing a little bit better, and I let her out some with the others. But if I see her hiding in a corner, I figure she has had enough for the moment and put her up for a bit.
Blondie seems to have suddenly taken a turn for the worse, and it doesnt look good for her. Poor Blondie, she is such a sweetheart.
Have you looked at any websites or any books?? I raised chikens for years. I have this website saved on my computer.. http://www.thegardencoop.com/backyard-c ... links.html
I have had chickens and other poultry off and on for years myself. What was I supposed to find to help Blondie on that website ? I did not see anything pertinent to Blondie. I think she is dying.
Sorry to see that Blondie has taken a turn for the worse,..i was hoping that she would recover after the attack,..and then forget about it in time,..i will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope Blondie is as Daisybeans put it,..just having a bad day,..and will get much better.