I have a number of forum friends on other forums who like to be kept up to date on our foxy friends. Sjoerd also mentioned to me recently how he and his wife like to follow our regular visitors. A couple of nights ago I started to switch on the trail cam and am happy to report that we do have a pair visiting this year and the vixen IS pregnant. I would guess that she will have her cubs in 2 or 3 weeks but who knows, I haven't seen her scan. I put together a few clips from last night and this is the link to Youtube
Reminds me of our "Fiona" and the six she had under our tea-house nearly two years ago. She was a single parent. But an excellent mum, all the cubs survived. We've not seen any foxes recently.
@Doghouse Riley That is brilliant DR. You beat me on numbers, most we had were five a couple of years ago. We get cubs every year, sometimes just one. Occasionally we have two vixens caring for the litter. All good fun.....
Excellent video @Raddang your foxes look pretty good. How many generations over the years do you figure you've had over the years? Don't really get foxes here, would be neat if they were around.
We've always had foxes visiting our garden. Here's my original thread. https://www.gardenstew.com/threads/fiona.41456/#post-380940
@Islandlife IL, this is the oldest foxy picture in my wildlife album. We have lived in this house for a long time and this picture is dated 1988. We have had foxes every year plus badgers, hedgehogs, squirrels and many birds and we are only just on the edge of the city centre. This is from a scanned transparency hence the HDR appearance.
We've had a fox only once, as far as we know. My husband did get a photo of it, but our picture is nowhere near as good as yours.
I may have posted this at the time but this was our 2018 family. We thought there were just 3 cubs but as the little ones kept running for cover we decided there were probably 5. This is mum and dad and the 3/5 cubs 21 May 2018
@Raddang - Wow that is definitely a good run since 1988 with quite a few generations of fox. Excellent picture too. You've really captured the 'look' of a wild animal along with how infinitely beautiful they are as well.