Hello, I'm brand new to this website. Can't wait to explore it more, looks like so much info to check out. I need help trying to pick out some bushes or shrubs to plant in my front yard. I live in N.E. Florida and need suggestions for an area that gets morning sun. Right now I have 2 ugly "builders" shrubs that need to be replaced. I was orginally considering Gardenias but they seem to be prone to insects. Then I thought about Roses but want something that looks nice all year but still has flowers. Help! I've only lived in FL about 3 years & just don't know what will grow here. Trish
Hi Trish, Sorry I can't be much practical help to you but I live in Scotland. Here are a few websites that may interest you though. www.fnps.org/ - www.floridaplants.com/native.htm www.floridanativeplants.com/ www.nsis.org/garden/ www.afnn.org/ www.ficorponline.com/ www.all-creatures.org/pica/ftshl-dogwood.html Hope they help you decide on just the right plants for your garden.
Depends on what you are looking for.... I lived in Jacksonville but just moved. But my mom still lives in Fl. Azelas work great. They are green year around and are in full bloom right now. They come in mini sizes or full sizes. Every color of the rainbow. Some are double bloomers, which I prefer. Heres same examples that work great in FL.... Laceleaf japanese maple ( I want one sooooooooo bad, just beautiful)6-8 foot tall with a 8-10 foot spread Abelia 4-6 foot tall with 3-5 foot spread Bog Rosemary 1 foot tall that creeps up to 3 foot spread South African Mallow 4 ft with same spread Kinnikinnick 2-20 inch tall with 3 -15 ft spread Mother fern 4 ft tall with 3 ft spread Variegated gold dust plant 6 ft tall with 3-4 ft spread Crimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese Barberry 2 ft tall with 2-3 ft spread Rose glow Japanese barberry 4-5 ft with same spread Royal Burgundy Japanese barderry 2 ft with 3 ft spread camellia 8-10 ft with same spread Sasanqua camellia 6-10 ft tall with 6-8 ft spread Pink breath of heaven 5 ft tall with 3 ft spread Theres lots more but this will start giving you an idea of what you can look for.
Thanks so much for all of the suggestions. I'm going to a nursery this weekend. I'm still not sure what I'm picking yet, but I'm determined to come home with something. I've got the ground already to plant. Trish
Be sure to check out Yellow Bells (Gold Star Esparanza Tecoma stans 'Lonesp'). They bloom all summer long, very pretty. Grow to about 8 to 10 feet tall and look more like a shrub than a tree. And don't forget to look in on hibiscus. They can grow VERY tall in Florida.