My friend/coworker gave me 200 foot of soaker hose (she removed it when she had sprinklers installed). So I stretched it out and sorta put in place. Was short. So bought another 100 foot which should work okay. So, before I get too far into this, was just wondering if there was some tips that would help me with placement and "installation"?
Cayuga... no worries... the hoses will be inside the flower beds where no lawn mower will ever venture.
We found that adjusting the water pressure was a bit difficult. If you got enough pressure to get water to the end of the drip hose, the part closest to the tap was spouting like Old Faithful. If you can manage two hook-ups to the taps, it makes the flow more consistent. We didn't do a straight line, but coiled the soaker hose around the plants so the drip would hit the needed area. Also, beware of cultivators and digging forks. To quote Cayuga Morning, this is the voice of experience. oops:Bicycle repair gunk helps take care of the odd piercing from cultivators and digging forks)
Yes, If you use it in a vegetable garden don`t wind it around your tomatoes then need it somewhere else mid season. Just go buy another,, its much easier.
Jane... good advice about the water pressure. Once things dry up around here I'll give it a test run. Your advice has changed my mind on which end to start on though. I was wondering about how to keep me from digging through it when adding new plants. I mean it needs to be under the mulch right? I guess I just need to check before digging. But that would be the only concern about damaging it. Mart... thanks! But it's only for the flower beds. The few veggies I'll plant will be in containers off to the side.
Under the mulch is best, especially in our summers. On top of the mulch means the mulch gets watered but very little actually reaches the plant roots. It's really easy to just scrape the mulch around when you have a new plant to get in the ground.
Good luck with them. If you have high water pressure you may want to look into a water reducer to attach between the hose and faucet or you may blow a holes in I did!
I have decent water pressure... but I doubt it's that strong. I'm actually concerned whether it'll be enough to reach the end of the 300ft stretch.