I just realized that we bought three rose bushes yesterday and they have to be planted in holes. Since the dirt back there is rocky and poor the holes will have to be big so I can put in soil and fertilizer or compost. Now, you remember that digging lately has been bothering my knees. Any volunteers? *sigh* Maybe I can bribe Dan into digging holes on his day off. dr can't dig either. His one knee is only a shade better than mine. Dooley
I will soak down the soil and dig it anyway, but you must wait, my dear, untill I have installed the fence posts and the lattice. Me and you, a two man crew. We can do it.
You two are planting three roses today and Randy and I will be digging up three roses bushes this afternoon. I am giving them to Lisa so they can get the sun they need.
I'd definately bribe Dan to do the digging for you Dooley. I'd hate either you or DR to be in pain with digging in that rocky ground. You don't want to end up like me with two false knees.
I'd help you if I could Dooley. I'll see if can't rustle up a few gnomes Stateside to lend you some assistance.
Oh, thanks! I never thought to ask any if they wanted to help. They all seem to be busy with whatever they are doing. Must take a picture of the new ones that arrived. Dooley
I have an idea Dooley, ask the gnome who moved in and made himself at home on your sofa if he'll help. He needs some exercise after all that couch surfing.
I think you should hire a professional You probably don't want to hear this but I always recommend Double Digging for roses. Actually, I would love to be able to plant something right now. I would have to dig down through a foot of ice and snow first. :frown: