I like to look at the questions posed for Plant identification and help whenever I can. Sadly with our present Dialup 24kb per second Internet service I can no longer see any of the pictures posted. So sorry I am unable to help for the present. Before anyone asks. We cannot have Broadband, line based, too far from the Exchange and every provider we have contacted so far does not recommend their wireless based Broadband for this area. By the way it has taken nearly 40 minutes to post this message!
That's really bad news Eric as we all, I'm sure, appreciate all the help you've been able to give us. Hopefully some solution can be found soon so that you can see our photographs again. Do try to pop in, if possible, now and again to let us know how you are doing.
Sorry to hear about this Eric. I had dial-up until a short while ago and it sure was getting difficult to navigate thru the web. I hope something quicker will be available to you soon.
We are in the depths of North West Shropshire. Spoke to the last provider on our list this morning and no go. The speed this morning was 338 bytes per second, never mind kb per second of megabytes. Been like this not for about a month. BT say it is not them, ISP say they send signal always at 56kb per second and that does not vary. Suggestions anyone?
Can you sign up to some mobile broadband provider? They are becoming more common now at least here in Sweden. What you get is a small device that you plug into the USB port on your computer and it connects to the Internet. No wires necessary.
Sorry Frank, been off line with no compter since Monday. Had it checked out at supplier and nothing wrong with the machine or the Modem. When I said I had checked out providers I meant those which supplied Dongle and Braodband via wireless connection. They all say 'not recommended for your post code'. They will not supply a dongle since they all have a non working money back policy. We are stuck with it and I cannot see even with the Govt. thing of Broadband for all by 2012, us getting it then either. There is no way they are going to put new fibre cables for 4 houses, miles from anywhere. Sad but until we move house we have had it.
I have dial up too and I loose most of the new post.I missed most of the new Stewers and I do hate that.I don't see and get to welcome most of them.I am very sorry if I missed some or most.My puter is so slow its hard to go back to the last 500 posts. You will be missed for sure.