I have baby fruit! Last year a fungus got my apples. I've been spraying, so hopefully I'll get to eat some this year. Baby Apples ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And for it's first time, my Red Baron Peach has fruit! I'm so excited! Baby Peaches ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
Are you using that spray I use? With the betadine ? It cured mine. My apples are just starting to leaf out.
Good job, Cheryl. Your apples are looking good. Now is the time to start thinning them, too. Cut/snip them from the cluster saving the best/nicest one. Try not to damage the remaining apple or you will loose it. I snip the extra apples off right at the level of the apple formation, not where the cluster emerges from the branch, one at a time, in time the stem will fall off by itself and not damage the remaining apple. We tend to leave or try to leave about 4" between apples for the nicest or best development for them. I heard a long while ago "40 leaves per apple" I decided that would be too much counting and worrying, so I guesstimate 4" should be safe.
What about the peaches.... do they need to be thinned also? Thinning is my least favorite chore... it just makes me sad. :'(
I quit growing peaches as they were too hard for me to get a crop. Once every 10 years isn't good enough for me. Picky, huh? I do think they need to be thinned, but I am not sure how much or when. Check with your extension office or an orchard near you.
How old are your trees ? If still young and has a lot of peaches, I would. A three or 4 year old tree doesn`t need to be overloaded.