Mulberries to me is always sour, very sour. Since I was a kid I had eaten mulberries straight from the plant and they are always sour. My neighbour have a mulberry plant and I had some from it in all stages of ripeness and they are all so sour! We bought some dried ones from China and to our surprise they are sweet and pleasant to eat. I was just wandering is it like strawberries? While growing up all the strawberries I had were imported and yucks they are sour. My first taste of sweet strawberries was in a organic farm in Luxembourg and it was so heavenly to eat. In Brussel they were sweet too and also in Japan but not in my country. So are mulberries naturally sweet where you come from?
@KK Ng, I think mulberries are the most flavorful berry, even more so than blackberries. There are different species with different flavors, and lots of hybrids. My tree is a cultivated variety. They are very sweet, not sour at all. The juice stains everything and is difficult to wash out.
The ones that were wild in Texas and the ones around here are very sweet. My grandpa had a weeping mulberry tree in Washington, when I was growing up. The branches went all the way to the ground. The birds loved them, but we could go inside the "weeping" branches and eat them and they were very sweet.
Thank you Daniel, didn't know that there are different species with different flavors. I'll try to find a sweet variety and plant it. Willowisp0801 thanks for confirming my thought. The mulberries here are so sour the birds just stay away from them. Now I know there are naturally sweet mulberries, I will look for them when I visit a temperate country next and enjoy the mulberries.