Apologies in advance if this question has been addressed before, however, we and our neighgours have a massive problem with Asparagus sprengeri (asparagus fern). I am literally pulling out 1000s of seedlings at the moment due to the constant wet conditions here. We both have large patches of mature plants on our properties, ours is about 1/2 acre in size, growing in amongst bushland. I have tried various poisons before, without success, including extremely high doses of glyphosate. I've been reading some articles which advise that a "1 percent solution of glyphosate to 0.25 percent surfactant", does kill the plant. Does this mean to (nearly) 10 litres of water I add 100 ml of glyphosate and 25 mls of surfactant? The amount just seems so little! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, but removing the numerous, larger plants by hand is a daunting task to say the least. :-?
I had to look it up since I didn't know the plant. It's a very popular house plant here. We've got a fern called Matteuccia struthiopteris which behaves much like your fern when it comes to self-seeding. The only thing I have managed to kill it with is Round-Up.
Thanks for your reply Droopy, your Matteuccia struthiopteris looks much softer and friendlier than my asparagus fern...which is hard, waxy and grows thorns, making it difficult to work with I think I actually have Matteuccia struthiopteris, or something very similar in my yard also. Although it does spread, it's nowhere near as invasive.
Oh, you have my sympathy on the sprengerii fern problem. We grow that as a house plant here and you do not want to grab the foliage ever. that is painful. I did not realize that is was a nuisance plant anywhere. I have no idea how to kill it, ours freezes and is dead. Is it too dry (the surrounding plants) to use a propane weeder on it (will you torch the neighborhood?...please forget that idea, if so)? I hesitate at using roundup if there is going to be a broad leaf planting going in behind the application of the herbicide. what about just mowing the plants off? will that not work in this area or a weed eater? I have never had to spray the ferns to get rid of them, sorry I can't tell you if that is a reasonable ratio for an herbicide fix.
They are a horrible weed here, evergreen most winters. Sorry, no idea how I'd kill 1/2 acre if you already tried glyphosate. Borrowed/rented goats (not sure how that works?) My sympathies!
I've decided to do a little experiment. Treat some plants with 1 percent solution of glyphosate to 0.25 percent surfactant and others, with straight Glyphosate applied directly to the crown, and saturate the ground under the crown. A friend has had success with the latter. Goats, unfortunately that area is unfenced I'll be back to update in a few months...I guess.
Glyphosate is only suppsed to work foliarly, if you can believe "them." Your friend's experiment seems to suggest otherwise, as do other anecdotes I've read. Could be a blessing in your situation. These things are really hard to pull, they just break... hope you figure something out. Erecting a fence might be the easiest solution... LOL! J/K - sort of...
A fence, I like your thinking. We have a rather high wire fence between our yard/gardens and the neighbour's asparagus fern farm. I'm going to grow vines over it in the hope that it will stop some of the seeds should they become airborne. Of course this won't stop birds from visiting and doing what birds do best If I have any success I'll be letting my neighbours know...it must be driving them nuts too!
Sounds crazy, but have you tried pouring vinegar on them at the root level instead of using poison. I hate using poison as I am sure you do. You can also spray it on the foliage to kill that. I use it to kill the bull thistles in my yard and many other hard to get rid of weeds. The thistle have super long tape roots, and thorns on every part of the plant. Hope that is the answer.
I don't know how many trips you'd have to make to douse your infestation, but boiling water kills about any kind of roots. Don't use near "the good plants."
@Tooty2shoes, that's a brilliant idea! I use vinegar a lot in my house for various things. Even lice/nits years ago when my girl's school had an infestation...yuk. Killed the living and removed the eggs with ease. I'll add it to my experiment. @purpleinopp...yes, I did know about boiling water, but I'd need to set up camp for a few days way down in my jungle, lol. Maybe I could make damper while waiting for the billy to boil. (an Aussie thing)
I realise a few years have past, but thought I'd update this post. I've been able to eradicate most of the asparagus sprengeri using 1 part glyphosate 360, to 2 parts water. Any weaker, and it doesn't work. I'm so happy I haven't had to pull them out by hand. I only have a small patch of adults to deal with, and then a life time of patrolling for babies.
Glad to hear you finally got rid of the ferns. I didn`t know any of the asparagus ferns had thorns til I read this post.