Dear Eileen, Please tell us more about your trip to Holland. Hubby wants to map out where you start to where you end up. Thank you. p.s. Most Americans (including us) find the Netherlands and surrounding areas a complete mystery. p.s.s. Hope your dear daughter is recovering nicely.
Bethie we're headed for a place called Hoorn. This is where our friends Clint and Ina live and we've rented a house within 9k of them. We'll be visiting Alkmaar as it's got the biggest garden centre you've ever seen and plants to die for!! We'll probably take a trip into Amsterdam and visit the Keukenhoff Gardens again in Lisse. I wish I could tell you more but we tend to play our holidays by ear and travel where the whim takes us. :-D When we get back though I'll post piccies of where we travelled to and what we've seen. Here are a few websites of the places we'll be going to that you might find interesting. ... -hoorn.htm ... lkmaar.htm ... rdens2.htm
Give Ina and Clint a big squeeze from me, and tell Clint his baby lonicera I am growing for him is coming along nicely and I hope to get it mailed over there soon.
Definately will do EJ!! I can't wait to see the two of them again. I'll take plenty of piccies and post them to you when I get back. :-D