August Garden Update

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Jewell, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Most days the bees are humming both with the natives and honey bees (someone must have a hive here in town). First I will show photos of the front yard. It doesn't get watered so the heather and coneflowers seem to do well out here.

    white and lavender blooming heathers ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    a front yard visitor ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Other side of the front yard with conflowers ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    The back yard is watered and has all the color. I am having to clear pathways as plants stretch out and try to find the sun. Fir trees on the south side of our lot are providing lots of shade and changing my garden a lot this year as they have stretched up.

    I can't remember who the angel was that posted a lovely garden two summers ago with phlox, but that post got the ball rolling. I now have a variety the fragrant blooms. What a wonderful way to be greeted in the garden with that sweet smell.

    I bought a mixed bag of bare root phlox and scattered them around. Some of the misplaced phlox plants will be getting some better homes this fall or sooner. Here is how some parts of the back yard are looking now.

    new hollyhock "Creme de Cassis" ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    one of a bundle of bare root phlox I got last year ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    hydrenga and pink phlox ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    same pink phlox, and some lavender phlox and where is the path???? ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Oh there is the path. Elephant garlic is falling over everywhere ^~^ ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    yes the path is hiding here too..white phlox leading the way through smell ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    The following photos are in my very limited vegie garden that is primarily flowers this year. The squash plants and green bean seeds were replanted four times because of cool/cold weather and slugs. Once it finally warmed up enough they got too tough for slugs to eat. Flowers did well where vegies struggled.

    another phlox with shasta daisy ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    white cone flower ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    pink fig-leaf hollyhock ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    black-eyed susans ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    garden area with squash, cukes, beans & are doing the best though ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    bee balm, shasta daisy, holly hocks umuck ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )
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    1. Netty
    2. Jewell

  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Oh Jewell...your garden looks wonderful as always! I love, love, LOVE that Hollyhock 'Creme de Cassis' I once had a double but the seeds reverted back to single blooms. I don't have that Phlox either...something to put on my wish list.
  4. Bernieh

    Bernieh In Flower

    Jul 14, 2011
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    north Queensland, Australia
    Your garden is looking beautiful. Those white and purple Heathers are fantastic and I love the look of your vegie garden. You've got some fabulous blooms.
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I really like all the hot colours in your garden Jewell. Alongside the white daisies they really 'pop' and look beautiful.

  6. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    I must see if Phlox will survive here!
    Awesome photos. Everything looks to healthy and happy.
  7. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Love all the colors and blooms in your cottage garden. I like how you mix you flowers and vegetables.
  8. FlowerFreak22

    FlowerFreak22 In Flower Plants Contributor

    Apr 23, 2009
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    You have a beautiful garden Jewel. The colors mix so well with each other. I especially like the Echinacea and the Monarda. I have an Echinacea which I started from seed and some Monarda which I planted earlier in the year both of which probably won't bloom until next year, but I cannot wait until they do.
  9. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Netty, glad you like that hollyhock. It is always a struggle since they need sun and some water and I don't have many places any more. Next year will be the year to tell whether or not it will make it. You were one of the three people that I thought might have posted a phlox garden.

    Bernieh, the heathers are my favorites. There is also a bright pink plant blooming along the driveway on the other side of the ivy hedge. I now have enough varieties that some are blooming almost year round. They are perfect for this climate since we have wet winters and dry summers with very expensive water. I love them!

    Eileen, I am really shocked at how long the daisies have been flowering this year. The wild ones that these are hybridized from bloom in the spring and then sometimes again in the fall. These have been going for almost two months now. The weather has been kind to them. They do make their own statement, especially on the dark/cloudy days and in the evening.

    Cherylad, the smell is divine so I hope that they will grow for you...but what grows in 100 degree weather besides cactus??? Only a master gardener like you could get things to survive and flourish.

    Gfreiherr thanks for the comment. Guess it is time to feed the soul with flowers and at least the sugar snap peas are doing really well. Very sweet with all the cool weather...nothing like the store bought.

    FlowerFreak22, I think the monarda looks good with a lot of different flowers. I love the smell of the foliage also. I have a couple of hummingbirds that have been visiting often just to visit the monarda. You will love the Echinacea. It blooms forever and the bees love it. Even the dried flower heads look good. Here is one of the hummers that visit. They are kind of shy, but this little one let me snap some pics with my phone.

    ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )
    Frank and Sjoerd like this.
  10. Gardengirl

    Gardengirl Young Pine

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Bembridge, Isle of Wight
    Oh Jewell what a beautiful garden you have, you really have a way with combining colours for the best effect. I love the latest photos with the humming bird, wish we had them over here.
  11. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Great shots of your Hummers Jewell. Mine continue to hide from my camera.
  12. Karrma

    Karrma In Flower

    Jul 24, 2011
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    Western Washington State
    what a beautiful garden. I did not know phlox came in so many varieties. You now have the magic phlox garden! I have just one white one in the front yard, comes back prolific each year with no attention from me.

    What is your secret to such healthy echinacea? I keep trying to get mine going, and they struggle every year, just have a few. I do think slugs may be one of the problems for me here.
  13. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Simply gorgeous. :smt007
  14. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    What a lucky chance to see and capture that hummer inbetween the Monarda's and (Veronica?).

    But, gosh Jewell--I hardly know where to begin, actually. Your front and back gardens look absolutely splendid. I like your planting schemes a lot, and the effect is smashing.

    I have a special like of Phlox and have several types in my garden. Sometimes I think that I would plant the whole thing in Phlox if I had the chance.

    I also like the looks of your path. Very cozy.
    Daisys and Monardas --what a sublime combination.

    Well done, Jewell--it is a masterpiece.
  15. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    Hmmm. Very nice. I guess I focused more on spring/early summer bloomers :(
  16. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Gardengirl, I didn't realize that the UK didn't have hummers. The color thing is more luck than planning. I just keep planting and hope things will grow.

    Netty, all I could figure was that the hummer was a baby. It was fun to get a photo. Before and since they leave when I arrive or simply hover and wait for me to leave.

    Karrma, yes I do seem to have scored on the bareroot phlox bundle. Another new purple one is blooming now too. And I thought I had gotten dead twigs the first year. :D

    My echinacea do best where they don't have any competition and lots of sun. They have even come up between the pavers in the front yard from seeds. The slugs ate two plants in the back yard (they have been really bad this year) that were pretty good sized, but the plants were also shaded in the AM. I have also found that I have to be patient because the plants, like phlox take a couple of years to mature. Good luck!

    Toni, glad you enjoyed

    Calinromania, it was posts here that made me start looking at more fall bloomers. I'll bet your garden will have more in the coming years. ;)

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