autumn veg

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by EJ, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I have been browsing the World Wide Web and the various seed companies looking at autumn planted veggies as now is the time I order my overwintering onions, garlic and shallots so I can get them in the ground around November time. I will grow garlic in large window box type planters at home up by the shed this year as we have such rotten white rot on our allotment site, I only harvested a couple of useable garlics from an entire row. I am also toying with the idea of giving up growing shallots as I tend to use so many onions, 1 or 2 a day almost every day of the year, and hardly ever use shallots. Oh, decisions decisions.
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Well, this is an interesting for you then isn't it?
    I don't do many winter veg...only Perp. spinach, Swiss chard and purple sprouting broccoli...oh yes, and a few leeks, but I already have these guys growing and planted, except for the PSB, which will go into the ground in a2-3 weeks.
    I know what you mean about that white fungus, it's terrible. There's alot of it in my two lotties too and so I loose lots of onions every season.
    It is less of a problem in the new lottie where I have been doiing lots of work on the topsoil, trying to get it into a healthier shape.
    You know with the new layer of compost and green manure, there seems to be less of a problem. I found this interesting.
  4. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    That is interesting Sjoerd. I have just purchased a large sack of green mustard ready to start sowing as areas on the allotment become vacant. Last year I sowed it where my toms are this year, and I have to say, the tomato plants are incredibly healthy this year. It is an exciting time when the seed catalogues start to arrive.
  5. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    ...Ah yes.....the seed catalogues. It is a huge weakness of mine-- seed gatalogues.
    I have already been making little notes to myself. :oops: I know it's early, but I have no shame. hahaha
    I'm glad to see that there is at least one other catalogue-nut. ;) ---I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course. :)
  6. Leehyori

    Leehyori New Seed

    Aug 4, 2009
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    That is interesting Sjoerd. I have just purchased a large sack of green mustard ready to start sowing as areas on the allotment become vacant. Last year I sowed it where my toms are this year, and I have to say, the tomato plants are incredibly healthy this year. It is an exciting time when the seed catalogues start to arrive.

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