Yesterday, I was sitting here and my hands were cold so dr told me to get a cup of tea and go sit in the sunshine. I did it and I was sitting there minding my own business when that darn ground squirrel ran across my foot and up into the next yard. I thought he was gone because we hadn't seen him all summer. Then, I started to drink my tea and this little gold bee came and was buzzing my hand. I finally set the cup down and he lit on the edge of the cup. I got the camera but couldn't get a really good picture. dr managed to get one. He blends into the color of the cup. He kept going down inside of the cup but the tea was too hot. He finally gave up and flew away. I threw the tea out and made another cup. I told dr I just didn't know where else that bee had been crawling. dooley
What a great picture.Bees fascinate me and they are just so busy.I do love to watch them gather their pollin.
I was drinking P & G tips. It's a British tea. I like it quite a lot but didn't realize bees liked it too. Must be a British bee blown here on the breeze. dooley
Maybe the bee was cold too. So sorry he found the drink too hot for him. I bet the honey would taste peculiar if he had brought lots of his co-hivers along.
The bees have been annoying here too. And just this past weekend, the ladybugs (Asian beetles)came out in full force...I couldn't even sit out on my deck without them landing on me, and they bite too! I'm looking forward to our first killing frost now.