With graduations and weddings coming up soon, the release of balloons to celebrate is becoming more frequent. Please, do not do that! The balloons get stuck in trees, birds ingest them or use them as nesting material and the chicks get tangled up, and it is also unsightly litter. There are better ways to celebrate without endangering wildlife and the environment.
I am with you 100%, Jane. I used to do a lot of bird protection work and would see deflated balloons in the fields. Very dangerous. One farmer had a cow eat one.
It's not just birds that are at risk. Just like Sjoerd a farmer here had to call in the vet when one of his cows got a balloon stuck in its throat. It was touch and go for a while but the vet did manage to extract the rubber and the cow survived. Many however don't. Bubbles are a much safer in look good into the bargain.
To add to this thread,, do not put anything with strings over an inch long for bird nesting material ! No dryer lint unless you chop it up ! Any kind of string material can get wrapped around baby birds legs ! Cuts the circulation off !
I knew I was preaching to the choir, but just seeing your replies is so heartening! With high school graduations coming up soon, my husband has banned me from driving around with a hat pin and saving wildlife!