Bare rooted hibiscus not flowering, help

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by blackswan, May 12, 2009.

  1. blackswan

    blackswan Seedling

    Jan 21, 2009
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    can anyone advise , I have some bare rooted hibiscus plants that were supposed to start flowering or at least show signs of some growth the beginning of this month, and there is absoloutley nothing. I contacted the place where I bought them and they are sending me out replacements, which i didnt expect but was good of them. I am now wondering if I even put them in the right way although I think I did, can some one tell me which way these bare roots do go in, I know it sounds ridiculous that I dont know but ive never had anything like this before, hope you can help thanks in advance :stew1:
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Is it a Hardy or Tropical?
    A Hardy hibiscus can take some cold winter weather and come back in the spring but a Tropical Hibiscus is not likely to since it is native to tropical regions that don't get winter weather at all.
    If you planted them this spring it might be another month or two before you see any growth.

    Bareroot plants need several weeks in the ground getting their roots established before they do much above ground.
    Hardy Hibiscus dies back to the ground in winter, so the plant you received should have had pretty much nothing but roots, no above ground shoots at all, maybe what looked like a dead stick but that's all. So if you put all those 'fiddly bits' in the ground then you planted it properly.

    What have your temperatures been like lately? We have had almost regular 80-95 degrees for the last several weeks and my Hardy Hibiscus that has been in the ground for 5-6 years, just started putting out growth above ground earlier this month. They need lots of hot weather and sun to grow.
  4. blackswan

    blackswan Seedling

    Jan 21, 2009
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    thanks for the info, im sure my hibiscus must be hardy as I am in the uk and the weather is more often than not cool.
    From what you have said i did plant them the right way up. If as you say they need plenty of sun then maybe thats why nothing is happening, maybe it will take a couple more months for them to start. :stew1:

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