BASIC Feng Shui

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by Paintgoddess, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. Paintgoddess

    Paintgoddess New Seed

    Feb 27, 2007
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    Hi, all!

    Need your help in something. I am buying a house this year so I am already starting to read up on Feng Shui. The problem is, it's information overload! I wouldn't want to hire a Feng Shui expert because I'll be up to my eyeballs on mortgage (first house, yippee!) So can somebody just give me some basic steps on which parts of the house to apply feng shui on? The more important or major parts I mean. If I had to read up on all of it I would be too confused to know where exactly to start.

    Thank yoU!
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi Paintgoddess :) Ok first off I'll admit that know nothing specific about Feng Shui but I do subscribe to the fact that there is something to it. Now personally speaking I would imagine that the most important areas to apply anything like this to would be the areas that you spend most time in, be it relaxing or working. Cluttered spaces may confuse the senses a bit so space is another important factor I guess. Also parallel lines and 90 degree angles would also make sense as the eye will naturally follow straight lines Having said that though the odd 'non-angled' object thrown into the mix would attract the eye and could be used to draw attention to something you wanted to.

    A Feng Shui expert may shoot me down for the above statements but to me they just makes sense. I'd imagine you could learn quite a bit from garden design as well in terms of creating a place of relaxation.

    There's my two cents ;) Hope it helps.

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