Bats eat many of those pesty evening and night time bugs that run us indoors. To have bats move in to your yard area and clean those pest up during the night give them a day time home. According to Bat Conservation International, a single bat can capture 500 to 1,000 mosquitoes in a single hour! Find all you need to know to build a bat house here. ... _house.asp Al
Thanks much for the links for the bat house plans. Hubby said he would make me one when I found the plans.
I am deathly afraid of bats. My hubby thinks its great to point them out to me when they are flying around on a warm summer night. I guess I won't be making any bat houses but it would be nice to have the bugs taken care of.....
I'm exactly the opposite to you Heather as I love bats and keep hoping that they'll set up a roost in my loft!! After almost 21 years in our cottage though, without a bat to be seen, I doubt that it will happen now. A neighbour has a roost in his attic and has counted about 300 bats leaving during the summer evenings. How I envy him!!
I'm not fond of bats either. When I was younger, one dive bombed me when we were in the car. I screeched until Brian could get the car stopped. I think I bailed out before the car stopped rolling. I think I frightened the poor bat. I pushed him out, shut the car door and rolled up the window. Lots of wild bats here are rabid so we have to be careful. Dooley
I like them, we have a small number that flit over our house in the twilight, slurping up mosquitoes. They're cute. :-D