Beating The Whites...A Balance

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by Sjoerd, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    All this snow--it's snow, snow and MORE snow! Record dumps in Maryland, extra in Norway and even Toni has oodles. If this wasn't enough--we have again got a blanket of white stuff covering everything outside.

    You know, a person could get the blues with all this white stuff. We can't do outside gardening activities at all. There's no end in sight, no spring on the horizon. I don't have the blues, I've got the whites. The WHITES!.

    (The lead-in begins...the lead guitar picks some soulful notes...I step up to the mike and the lights go way, down low with a moonlight on me only)

    I looked out 'uv the window an' it wuz whiteness all around.
    I looked out 'uv the window an' it wuz whiteness all around.
    Snow wuz layin' on the rooftops, it wuz layin' on the ground....

    ---(A short guitar infusion)

    I can't plant my seeds outside there, when the snow is on the ground.
    I said, I can't plant my seeds outside there, when the snow is on the ground.
    When I goes outside to plant 'em, all that white just gets me down.

    --------(the girls in the blue lights sing: "That white just gets him down. Oo, oo. All that white just gets him down".)

    Oh I wants to turn the soil, but the ground's as hard as stone.
    I wanna turn the soil, now but the ground's as hard as stone...
    It's so hard that when I fork it, it just jars me to the bone.

    --------(the girls in the blue lights sing: "It just jars him to the bone, Oo, oo. It jars him right down to the bone".)

    I've got the whites so bad baby, 'cause it's white both night and day.
    I've got the whites so bad, 'cause it's white both night and day.
    I went outside to face it, an' fell-downna my knees to pray.
    (pulling a white, silk hanky out of my sleeve to dab the perspiration off my face, shaking my bowed head and stepping out of the moonlight.)

    --------(The girls in the smokey, blue lights sing: "Fell on his knees to pray. Oo, oo. Fell down on his knees to pray.")

    (I extend my arm into the moonlight and take the mike and it's stand, re-entering the moonlight very, very slowly and the band plays softly now as I sing:)

    I heard a voice a-whisperin', and it seemed so far away.
    Lawd, I heard a voice a-whisperin', clear but far away
    It said,"Go plant yer seeds inside boy, 'cause spring, it's on the way,
    Go plant yer seeds inside, boy cause spring is on it's way".

    --------(A crescendo of music as the girls in the blue lights sing: "Spring it's on it's way. Oo,oo. Spring it's on it's way."

    --------We both sing: "Spring it is on it's way. Oo, oo. Spring it's on it's wayyyyy....
    Hallelujah, spring is on it's way!"
    "Spring is on it's way".
    "Spring is on it's way".
    "Spring is on it's way".

    (The guitar winds it up with a long solo....and I melt away, out of the light.)

    These pics did alot to drive away my whites. Well, not the pics, rather the sight of the little, green plantlets sprouting up out of the vermiculite.

    The first one here was a few days ago. Aquadulce broadbeans. I usually plant them in October, but not this year. The vege lady decided to do it differently this year and I went along with no argument because of the losses last year. --Great call, Veggie Lady.
    These broike surface in just seven days.

    Here they are today, standing erect.

    The Marigolds came up a few days ago as well. They germinated in three days! :eek: Ach, but I cheated and put a heating pad under them.

    Well this posting sort of balances-out the snowfall that we are having so that things don't get too white. ;)
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    1. cherylad

  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    A man of a thousand abilities which now includes singer/songwriter. I can just see you up there, wearing black like Johnny Cash, singing your heart out. And your other half standing over in the dark off-stage just shaking her head ;)

    I have some seeds to get in pots too, I hope they start as quickly and healthy as yours.
  4. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    Buddy Guy came to my mind too -- do you know of him Sjoerd? Great blues guy.

    This just MADE my day.

    Thank you soooo much.

    Life goes on!!!


    Spring is on its way.

    Gosh, so sorry to hear you've had more snow though!
  5. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Well, now you've done it. All that talk of snow, snow, snow. Do you know what is outside of my door?

    SNOW, SNOW and SNOW!!!

    Now, you know I don't like snow. I want my rain back. I don't like all the rain either but SNOW!

    No thank you. NO SNOW!!


    Oh, by the way, I really liked your singing.

    dr just said he has some classic old blues records that don't sound a bit better than you singing the whites. Way to go guy!

  6. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    Oh dear Dooley.. Well, I hope you have goodies and can just stay inside until it goes away ... soon.
  7. wannabe

    wannabe Young Pine

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Springfield, Illinois
    I really liked your song and I am hoping our whites go away before to much longer. wannabe
  8. blackrose

    blackrose In Flower

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Too much white can be blinding and those little greens makes a lovely sight. I hope all your whites will melt away soon.
  9. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I want the YouTube link to that performance. Somebody must have taped it! :D

    Your little green babies are a sight for sore eyes.
  10. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Your song made me smile Sjoerd as it's just how I'm feeling at the moment. We don't actually have any snow now but the ground is white with frost and too hard to do anything with. We have snow on the way again though according to the weather forecasters. :(

    It's great to see all your little seedlings looking so green and fresh - certainly cheered me up no end. :-D
  11. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    TONI--"A man of a thousand abilities". Roarrrrr...That's rich. Thanks anyway, T--that was nice of you to say so.
    Yes, you got that right. After my performance, she would'nt want to be seen on the streets with me, I'm afraid. chuckle. :)
    My fingers are crossed that you will have some seedlings to show very soon now.

    DAISY-- Of course I know Buddy Guy. He's a sort of legend, like BB King. In fact, I find their style similar.
    I'm glad that the performance perked you up a bit today. That's nice.

    DOOLEY-- Thanks to you and DR for liking the little tune.
    Tell DR that was an especially nice thing to say.
    I am very sorry to hear that you have snow. Burrrrrrrr.... :(

    Thank you WANNABE--Fingers crossed that your snow will soon dissapate. When it does and you see the green grass underneith you get "hope". I guess that's why we say here that "green is the colour of hope".

    Thanks so much, BLACKROSE. Maybe your wishes will do the trick and melt those whites away.

    Thank you DROOPY. I will see if there is a YouTube copy, but if there is a little video, then someone must have filmed it secretly from the audience.
    Yes indeedy, those little seedlings are a very WELCOME sight for sore eyes indeed!

    Oh my, EILEEN-- If you are due for snow, then I fear that we are too. Fooey! :(
    Glad you liked the little tune. :)
  12. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    You certainly are multi-talented Sjoerd. Enjoyed the post and the song. No snow here... our mantra is RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY!!! I am thinking of purchasing a light box to cure my SAD (Season Affective Disorder) :'( We have only had some fleeting glances of the sun the last 3 weeks. I am hoping to see my shadow soon!

    I have been living vicariously through everyones snow pictures but I don't think I would like as much as Daisy, as pretty as it looks. ;)
  13. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Maryland, Norway, Scotland, Washington, Virginia, and now Texas! I've been waiting so patiently for snow, and it seems that everyone is getting a good dumping but ME. I think I have the Lack-of-white blues!
    Maybe what I need is a little seedling therapy ;)
  14. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I´m glad to hear that you liked the posting (including the tune).
    I hope that your rain will go away for real and that it will come again another sometime in august when it´s bone-dry and youir plants are squeeking and peeping for a drink.

    If you are going to chant, you really need a Mandala. Shall I give the Dalai Lama a call? ;)

    Light will help, I do not doubt that in the least. After using it a few times, you may look exactly like your avatar!
  15. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    20,954's odd how the snow pattern is this year, isn't it? I hope you do get a bit before the season passes, NETTY.

    "The lack-of-white blues" there's a title for a song, if I've ever heard one!
    Well, I can tell you that seedling therapy has done wonders for me.
    Just be sure and post piccies of your handiwork, OK?
  16. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Sjoerd - Loved you singin the whites! very entertaining 8)
    Also love seeing the seedlings emerging! have fun watching them grow.

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