I have noticed so many different types of bees this year...I think it is because the neighbor a road over takes care of them....and the best thing is that they have not been aggressive. Here I am poking my camera sometimes close at them and they don't even mind..of course I don't do this when my husband is outside because he is allergic to them if they sting him.. I think my favorite are the large black ones...maybe just because they photograph better.. Bee... ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden ) This is one of my favorite types... this is a photo I have shown before. Bee on the sedum... ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden ) Two bees in the picture... ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden ) Bee on Sedum.... ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden ) Bee on the sedum... ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden ) Bee on a cosmo... ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden ) Bee on a cosmo.... ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden )
I think this winter when I have nothing to do...I would love to find out more about the different types of bees...they sure are busy all of the time and there are so many of them...any one here know about bees?
Sherry your flowers are beautiful. And the bees sure love them. I think Kildale can probably tell you about the bees!!
I enjoyed seeing your bee fotos. iI have taken quite a few over the course of the summer and fall. I have been doing alot of research on them the past few months and the more that I read, the more interesting I find them. Thanks for posting this interesting series of fotos.
There are a lot of bees in this other site of mine, I think your last picture is a fly.Bees and Insects.
I have noticed the bees around also. My sedums must of had atleast 10 or more bees on them. Very pretty flowers. I like your red/white cosmo.
Nice photos. My favourite bee is the bumble bee because they look cuddly. But I also like the honey bees, although we don't get many of those around here.
Bee on a cosmo ( photo / image / picture from Sherry8's Garden ) A neighbor walked over to tell me about a hive he had in his yard...one he didn't know about until he got stung quite a few times...it was underground. He has 3 little girls so I guess he really has to take care of that one..