When we uncap the honey frames, there is quite a bit of wax that has been sealing the little octagons. We drain as much honey as we can from the wax, then start to process it. Fresh beeswax ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) This is what it looks like when most of the honey has drained from it. There's still honey in it, and it needs to go through more processing. Disc of beeswax ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) This is what it looks like after three filterings (heating, draining through a filter, and cooling). One more filtering to do, this time with a grease filter to remove any remaining honey, and we are ready to use it for something (candles, Christmas ornaments, ???). We have three discs, each one weighing between 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 lbs.
Jewell, the candle molds arrived yesterday, and we are putting the wax through the final filter this week. If we get anything that even faintly resembles a candle, I'll post a photo!
Are you making votives, tapers or pillars? Which supplier did you order from, I almost exclusively order from Lone Star Candle Supple in Keller, Tx the last few years. I have ordered from Candlewic.com and BrambleBerry too but I like Lone Star best.
Toni, we are making votives and 10" tapers (hopefully) or we will be making a big waxy mess. My husband ordered our supplies from Mann Lake, which is a supplier for beekeeping items, also.