Friends my neighbor has this bush with big thorns and I would like to know something about it. The thorns are 2" long and they remain green all year with new leaves now. Took Parakeets to Vet other day and they're doing just great. Sleep warm. ed
Ed, we have a tree that is similar to your neighbor's bush, and it is a Gum Bumelia. Thorny as all get out, small leaves. The tree is multi-trunked, which makes it look like a shrub if not pruned into tree form. I'm happy that your parakeets are doing well. We don't have a "poultry vet" so I'm on my own with our chickens. They aren't as delicate as your parakeets, but I do fuss over them and worry about their health and nutrition. When did we become servants of feathered friends?
The chance of becoming a servant to the keets has been over a year because the first set died and these 2 are Frick and Frack. their replacements.
Citrus fruit thorns possibly, not sure put transplanted under a window it would make a whale of a deterrent to burglers I am thinking.
Looks similar to Mock Orange. But many citrus if grown from seed will have those thorns. Lemon does and the kumquats I grew from seed do too. Have no idea what plant mother had,,she called it mock orange. It had round orange fruits that were hard as rocks and thorns fro 1 to 3 inches long.
It might be a Trifoliate Orange, a flying dragon or hardy orange. They grow in your area as well as mine. I have 3 very small ones. They are expensive to buy if you can find them and bear edible fruit. I love them. If this is it, it will only get 6 feet tall.. Mine is contorted and the one in your picture, Ed, is not contorted but you will see the 3 "leafette" on each branch...Same as mine...
Now that is odd.. Did anyone notice that the leaves on the plant Ed is asking about grow end to end, Leaf then at the tip of that leaf there is another one. Have not seen that before.
Yes's just like mine but mine is contorted. I am just sure it is a flying dragon...I love them...They are very pretty but you don't want to play with them....