I thought we'd take a ramble through my yard and look at a little wood. This little birdhouse is embellished with copper. We made the hole tiny and only chickadees have been able to squeeze in. This one is right on the patio and bluebirds nested in it. They were so secretive we hardly saw them. In it's heyday this was full of purple martins now it's a shabby sheik sparrow hotel. This stymies the birds because the hole is only painted on! We saw this in a store window. The store was closed but we shot a picture of it through the window and came home and made it. We sold the first one and then made us this one. We saw this one in Birds n Blooms magazine and loved it. For this feeder I made a tiny copper weathervane to top it. Time for a nice rest and a visit.
Bethie they are absolutely fantastic! Love 'em. The church is wonderful but my favourite is the one with the painted holes. The aged look suits it well. Lol a true sign of talent, just make it yourself You are one talented bunch of folks! How long on average would you spend making one?
Bethie you're birds must think they are in paradise!! What great looking bird boxes. I love the sparrow hotel and the bird feeder best but they are all really lovely. :-D
Gardenstew, you are obsessed with Time! Things take as long as they take and not a minute more. In the rural landscape Time just drifts by like clouds. I'm not always sure what day it is!
Is it that obvious Back on topic wonderful birdhouses (how ever long they take to make) I hope cranbrook gets to see these.
I did enjoy the stroll in your yard.Your birds must be really happy to have such great homes .Why did you not put a hole in that one ?It would make a very nice home also.Your yard is just so lovely.
Loved them all but the church is my favorite. I really like the steps on it. I may have to show my husband and see if he can duplicate it for our yard.
OK that's it, I am coming to spend the winter and you can't stop me. LOL Maybe one day I will have the time to do this also.