Today I put a digital camera on a tripod. I opened a window and set the camera to photgraph the top of the gate where the birds come to pick up bits of suet that I put out for them. I just held a piece and you can see that I didn't move my hand for these two. A few chickadees came and a fox sparrow was about 6 inches away, hope to get him tomorrow, along with a wren. Will have to be lucky though. I like the way the chickadee holds it with a foot. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
I still can't get any of my birds to feed from my hand but I really don't mind. As long as they keep visiting that's fine by me. I am a tad jealous of how trusting your little garden friends are though.
How wonderful...I tell you when I hold my hand out with peanut pieces or sunflower chips I never get a taker. I think I would get too excited because if they landed on my hand and I wouldn't be able to hold are very fortunate to have them do that